Accessing your Accounts CloudFront Distributions !!
Follow the guide below to learn how to access your list of CloudFront Distributions in Amazon Webs Services Online Console!
Follow the guide below to learn how to access your list of CloudFront Distributions in Amazon Webs Services Online Console!
First Login to your AWS console with either your account email address as a root user or your IAM (Identity Access Management) Account ID provided by your account admin or organization, then select next. The IAM user access is typically how a large organization will manage their own user pools and permissions that need to be granted per use or groups of users defined by IAM Roles.
On the next screen you will be prompted to enter a password for your account.
After entering your password select sign in and you will be taken to the main page of the AWS Management Console. On this page you can access all services that are available to you from Amazon’s Web Services provisioned by your accounts tier or the services allotted to you by your system administrator with IAM roles and or user groups
Once at the AWS Management Console you can click into the search bar at the top of the page and enter “CloudFront” this search bar allows you to search all AWS Services, features, marketplace products and docs.
Upon entering “CloudFront” into the search bar at the top of the AWS Management Console you will be shown subsections of each category and the content related to your query. Under the “Services” subsection you want to select the “CloudFront” blue text to enter the CloudFront distributions page. When selecting items listed under the services subsection you will be brought to the home page for configuring/creating the service you selected.
On the CloudFront Distributions Page you will have access to view your current CloudFront Distributions and relevant information about each one. As well as quick and easy access to telemetry data such as logs and monitoring data where you can review performance of your distributions and many other actions.
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